sabato 18 maggio 2013

Pdf file with php

Today I will explain how to create PDF on the fly with php!

First download the library from here FPDF.

Copied to the root directory of your server.

Create a file CreatorePdf.php and stick the following code:

//create a new object pdf
 $pdf=new FPDF();

 / / set the file properties
 $pdf->SetTitle("Questo è il titolo del Pdf");

/ / set font for the entire document

//create the page

  / / Create a title with an edge
 $pdf->Cell(100,10,'Testo centrato',1,0,'C',0);

 $pdf->SetXY (10,50);
  $pdf->MultiCell(200,10,"Scrivete qui il corpo della pagina");

/ / Export the file

As you can see nothing difficult!

Good Job!

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