sabato 18 maggio 2013

Sending files via Socket Php

With php you can, just like with the java or c + + or any other language, implement tcp sockets for the exchange of data according to the client-server scheme.I show you how you can send a text file using a socket in php from a client to a server implementing only 2 files php: Server.php and Client.php.We start from the Server:

<? Php
set_time_limit (0);
if (($ sock = @ socket_create (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP))) {
echo socket_strerror (socket_last_error ($ sock)); exit;
if ((@ socket_set_option ($ sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1))) {echo socket_strerror (socket_last_error ($ sock));
if ((@ socket_bind ($ sock, '10 .0.1.4 ', 1048))) {/ / associate an ip of the machine and bring it to the socket
echo socket_strerror (socket_last_error ($ sock)); exit;
if ((@ socket_listen ($ sock))) {/ / put the listening socket
echo socket_strerror (socket_last_error ($ sock)); exit;
while (true) {
if (($ client = @ socket_accept ($ sock))) {/ / locking function: as long as it receives a request
echo socket_strerror (socket_last_error ($ sock));
if ((@ socket_getpeername ($ client, $ addr))) {/ / we take the IP address of the client that is connected echo socket_strerror (socket_last_error ($ sock));
echo "Client connection from: $ addr \ n";
echo "Receiving file."
if (($ file = @ fopen ("." time ().. "txt", "w"))) {
echo "File open error. \ n"; exit;
if (($ rcv = @ socket_read ($ client, 1024, PHP_BINARY_READ))) {
echo socket_strerror (socket_last_error ($ sock));
do {
if ((@ fwrite ($ file, $ rcv, 1024))) {
echo socket_strerror (socket_last_error ($ sock));
if ((@ socket_write ($ client, "ok"))) {
echo socket_strerror (socket_last_error ($ sock));
if (($ rcv = @ socket_read ($ client, 1024, PHP_BINARY_READ))) {echo socket_strerror (socket_last_error ($ sock));
echo "."
} While ($ rcv! = "- @ END @ -");
echo "DONE \ n"; socket_close ($ client); break;
fclose ($ file);
socket_close ($ sock);
And now the client:

<? Php
set_time_limit (0); / / Avoid that after a certain time the interpreter blocks php script as php.ini
if (($ file = @ fopen ("myfile.txt", "r"))) {
echo "File open error \ n."
$ Server = array ('address' => 'Enter server ip', 'port' => 1048);
$ Sock = socket_create (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP);
if (($ connection = @ socket_connect ($ sock, $ server ['address'], $ server ['port']))) {echo socket_strerror (socket_last_error ($ sock));
echo "Uploading files."
do {
if (feof ($ file)) {
echo "send complete \ n"; socket_write ($ sock, "- @ END @ -"); break;
if (($ pkt = @ fread ($ file, 1024))) {
echo socket_strerror (socket_last_error ($ sock));
if ((@ socket_write ($ sock, $ pkt, 1024))) {
echo socket_strerror (socket_last_error ($ sock)); exit;
echo "."
if (($ rcv = @ socket_read ($ sock, 1024))) {
echo socket_strerror (socket_last_error ($ sock)); exit;
/ / Echo $ rcv. "\ N";
} While (true);
echo "DONE \ n";
fclose ($ file); socket_close ($ sock); echo "Exiting ... \ n";
First start the server socket and then the client socket and you will see that the file "myfile.txt" will be sent from the client to the server!

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